Sounds pretty good to me although I reckon you could keep the two
Decay pots and still have room for the VCA functionality if either the
inverted gate output was left off of things were squeezed up a bit.
I'd probably buy a few.
--- In
, Florian Anwander
<Florian.Anwander@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> for sequencing (and I do a lot of sequencing ;-) ) I am looking for a
> supersimple Envelope/VCA combi module:
> Basically an A-142 VC-Decay with one half of an A-132 VCA. I would not
> need the gate part of the A-142. And it would be ok to have only one
> knob for the Decaytime, which feeds either an external CV or works as
> simple decaytime knob (a fixed voltage provided via switched socket).
> Blockschematic in ASCII might look like this:
> ExtCV in
> +5V--> O--+
> | ...........
> PP . .
> PP<---->Decay-CV .
> PP . .
> | . EnvOut----\
> --- ........... |
> |
> ....v....
> AudioIn------------------->. VCA .-----> AudioOut
> .........
> What do you think about it
> Florian