Hi djsoysos
> I'm planning on picking the PLL this week.
> I checked out the sound files at Selfoscillate
> and Doepfer's site a while back. I'm very
> interested in what it will do to external
> audio (drums, guitars, voice, etc..)
I don't think, that you will be very happy with external sources (except
your going for the sound of randomly squeaking pigs). The PLLs
comparator requires a quite steady input signal.
In fact the main intention of the A-196 is frequency multiplication. Its
basically a digital module, like the logic gate module or the quantizer.
Some people find the (originally unwanted) side effects interesting,
which happen if those module are used direct with analogue audio input
If you want to use the A-196 with external Audio in the intended way
(fq-multiplying) then the audiosignal requires a decent effort of pre
processing (multiple stages of compression, filtering and gate'gin) to
be usable for the A-196.