Hi all,
I've just joined the group and would just like to let you all know
that I have a Flash based Modular Planner in the pipes. If any of you
remember the old modular-planner.com website (which no longer exists).
That was me, I basically modified and expanded the original code by
Mike Perkowitz with his permission.
The version I'm working on now is completely made from the ground up
in SwishMax, which is basically like Flash but makes a lot of things
easier to get your head around. I'm not a programmer by any means or
even a good scripter but its coming along ok at the moment. Put it
this way, I only got my head around If statements and variables in the
last month, lol.
At the moment you basically drag and drop your modules into the 12U of
rack space available, it all snaps together nicely (kind of) and
prices are tally'd up in UK Pounds and
eventually Euro's, US Dollars and possibly others.
Once dragged in a tally of how many of each module is kept, the total
milliamps and probably HP too. The modules are currently viewed at 50%
of the size you see them on Doepfers own site. This is so you can see
all 3 tiers at once.
What I would like some feedback on primarily is where do you buy your
modules from I'm using EMIS for the UK Price List and probably
Doepfer.de prices for the Euro version. Analogue Heaven is the only US
distributer so I will use theirs. For future note is there any other
big distributer in Asia I should consider using. I cant do more that a
Big4, as maintaining all the changes in prices could be a pain.
As the above is pretty much a week or 2 away (fingersX) from being
usable. I have a list of things I want to implement in the future.
.- Support for multiple resolutions so you can have more rack space
available and full size module graphics.
.- Detailed information about each module via a mini-toolbox attached
to each module.
.- Someway to save your planned out system and a printable price list
(i think this is going to be really hard but ill try)
.- A "Patch Sheet" version
.- Convert it for other modular systems.
Feel free to make suggestions, I cant promise anything, as I said I'm
new to scripting But I've been wanting to remake this planner for a
couple of years now. I actually don't own any music gear anymore,
although I still love it and will buy some when I can afford it and
actually decide what I what I need. I'm sure Doepfer stuff will be in
there again :)