Hi Jari,
My system picture shows an A154 and two A155's, however I only control
one A155 with the A154, the other is left independent.
Not much help but pictures can be deceptive :o)
David Salter
Senior Consultant
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On Behalf Of jalmari3
Sent: 29 August 2007 15:04
Subject: 1 A-154 + A-155 + A-155 combo thoughts
I am considering A-154 Sequencer controller plus two A-155 sequencers
combo. I have already one A-155 along with A-154 (and one A-150 VC
Switch). After reading the manuals I have some doubts. Please, read
1 to 8 step sequences:
This seems pretty straightforward.
9 to 16 step sequences:
CV1 Pre Out, CV2 Pre Out, Trig1, Trig2, Trig3 and Gate outputs from
both A-155:s must be switched. Threfore six voltage controlled
switches are needed, which translates to three A-150:s. If CV1 Post
Out and CV2 Post Out are added, then one more A-150 is needed... This
seems like lots of modules and cabling for a simple task (but on the
other hand those A-150:s can be used for something else too). Another
drawback I can see is, that when moving from step 8 to step 9
(changing from one A-155 to another), there can be no glide or S/H
Two independent sequences:
Assuming the modules are connected normally the A-154 controls both A-
155:s or neither depending on the "Man." switch position. However, it
would be useful to have a third option: A-154 controls one A-155
while the other A-155 is independent. I wonder, if there is an easy
solution for this.
Here is the total cost:
- 1 X A-154: Euro 170
- 2 X A-155: Euro 520
- 3 X A-150: Euro 150
- 1 X A-180 (Bridged, distributing the 1-8/9-16 signal from A-154 to
the A-150:s): Euro 30
Total: Euro 870
I have seen A-154 + A-155 + A-155 combo in few pictures, so
apparently it is useful. I would like to hear your comments.
Best regards
Jari Jokinen
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