two tape decks various guitar pedals an spx something or other 600 bucks will buy a lot of delay...i'm not sure what it is one would try and acheive with 8 sec. of analogue delay, but i have a variety of options of delay with voltage control: a Doepfer delay with the 2048, an old Ross pedal w/ a jack to control the delay rate with the Doepfer Universal Vactrol mod, an Effectron old school digital delay, and a Loft (honestly don't even know if it's analog or digital) rack unit that does shorter delays...also have an old Roland analog flanger pedal i haven't gotten around to adding a jack to...i think i got all that stuff for less than 600 bucks, not sure...i'm really just commenting on you saying the Modcan was superior to the Doepfer option ...well, my Ross delay is superior to the Doepfer in some applications, but it's not better, it's main point is for 600 dollars, i'd like to know exactly what it is you are trying to acheive that
you wouldn't be able to achieve with less money, and why exactly you would want 8 sec of BBD delay i'm making a point i suppose, but i am honestly curious what kinds of things you can do with the mod you describe, i think it's cool you are getting on tbh, i'd like to know more specifically it is you plan do do with it....
----- Original Message ----
From: bruce thedekaa <brztdk@...>
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2007 12:46:12 PM
Subject: Re: AW: 1 Multiple 188s for longer delay time
Yeps, i understand this, but if you add all the prices
to achieve to same goal with other modules you end up
not being able to do so.....
I guess if you are looking for really long delay times
there are not many modules availabel.
Do you know other ones
Greets Bruce
--- Ross Goniakowski <carfull@sbcglobal. net> wrote:
> for 600 bucks, i would hope so...
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: bruce thedekaa <brztdk@yahoo. com>
> To: Doepfer_a100@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Friday, September 7, 2007 8:13:50 AM
> Subject: Re: AW: 1 Multiple 188s for
> longer delay time
> This is a true analog delay utilizing two MN3005 BBD
> IC for a total of 8192 stages of delay.
> It also has a built in filter which can be turned on
> and off.
> For me it was way superior to the doepfer bbd's.
> Greets Bruce
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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