> --- In
, <hardware@...> wrote:
> Never mind. Anyway, I used to think that those prototypes which are
> depicted as "von den Funktionen her identisch zu der endgültigen
> Version"* would be the same as the modules in production apart from
> their "DIY-appearance". Regards, Ingo
> * = "functions identically to the final version"
Even if the "functions are identically to the final version" there may be
some on-board differences compared to the final version. For example
electronic parts may be located on other positions on the pc board or any
corrections or improvements have been made. If for example a missing part
has been added (e.g. an additional resistor or capacitor) the prototype will
have the same behaviour/function as the final version of the module - but it
will look internally different.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer