(I didn't see Dieter Doepfer's reply to my last question until after I
had posted this -- I've sent an e-mail to Christian Assall about this,
and if anyone else is interested, I'll post his response here.)
--- In
, "ErnstKarel" <ekarel@...> wrote:
> Here's another question for other A-152 users, as I experiment with
> this module. Right now I'm using it for the T&H/S&H section. Has
> anyone else found that with successive voltage changes, moving from
> (for example) address 2 to address 7, that it seems to 'glide' from
> 2-7 rather than moving discretely from 2 to 7, so that 3-6 get 'hit'
> with whatever sampling voltage is being fed I am triggering it with
> a ribbon controller, and at first I thought it was the ribbon
> controller which was gliding through the intermediate voltages, but
> even with another S&H module in line between the ribbon and the 152
> (triggered with the gate from the ribbon pressure section), I get this
> behavior. Anyone else have this experience
> thanks,
> Ernst