Hi Randal,
There is no digital/analogue ground distinction within the bussing and
cabling system, all three pairs of gnd pins on the connectors are
joined at the bus PCB (and probably at the module PCB too). Take a
look at figure 3 on the technical details page here :
for more details.
--- In
, "randaleem" <randaleem@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Quick question,
> Does the Doepfer system use both a clean and dirty GND The three
> GND pins suggest it, but perhaps not .
> If there is a separate dirty gnd pin, which of the three pins
> lsbelled GND is considered the dirty gnd (The one next to -V, the
> one next to +V, or the one in the middle )
> Continuing, if there is a dual gnd setup to allow a separate return
> path for noisy modules and components: Do all Doepfer modules
> respect this division of the return paths
> Finally, if there is no specific dirty GND pin defined by Doepfer,
> have any of you gone ahead and made one of the three into one for
> your system If so, which pin did you choose
> Thank you,
> Randal