I don't much care for that site you're using.
David Westling
> I had some fun using A-113 as a quadrature modulation source. Here it
> is modulating an A-137, which is processing sine wave:
> 113_controlling_A-137
> If there ever was A-113 Mk II it should have:
> - Switch for upward saw, downward saw and rectangle. Rectangle exists
> internally and would be useful as a clock divider output. Triangle
> wouldn't be bad either.
> - Division up to (say) 64.
> - More accurate saw. (At extreme frequencies it gets quite distorted,
> which might be feature of the original Trautonium unit.)
> - More accurate response to incoming signal. (At low frequencies
> rising saw seems better than rectangle.)
> - Level knobs should affect Single Outs too.
> - Less HP!
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