Hi Adam,
I have all three of the ones mentioned.
Joysticks are great, I have two - one sprung the other not - and they
are robust and have many uses.
The ribbon is a dream, used mostly for control voltage work rather than
pitch by me but very versatile.
The Theremin controller has been of limited value when used as a
controller for me playing however I have used them for installation work
where I have set aerials up around a gallery and allow people to
interact with the music. For that I have found them useful.
There is/was also a light control source (A179) but I have not played
with that yet.
What are you trying to achieve
David Salter
Senior Consultant
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On Behalf Of vcovcfvca
Sent: 10 October 2007 01:34
Subject: 1 Doepfer alternative controllers
Hello Group,
Anyone out there able to share some experiences with Doepfer
controllers. eg: ribbon, theremin, joystick etc.
Any favourites If so, what makes that controller so
fun/useful/indispensable for you
Thanks folks!
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