Need cash for my new Mac so the following are up for sale. The first
item is definitely collection only.
Apple G4 dual 450 with 1.25Gb ram, two 80Gb HD's, Yamaha CDR, Digi001
with Protools LE system including two 15" LCD monitors and I'll throw in
some manuals and leave some nice virtual instruments installed for
evaluation use. ViewItem&rd=1&item=180170945845&s
Yamaha AW2816. 16 track HD recorder with motorised faders and manuals in
flight case. ViewItem&rd=1&item=180170947402&s
Lexicon Vortex - pristine example ViewItem&rd=1&item=180172284472&s
Plus I'll soon be listing my Vesta Kaza DIG-420 - Sorry Florian it has
to go :o)
This digital delay has CV/Gate inputs and is a nice addition to any
modular setup.
I just forgot to take photo's of it last night.
Thanks for looking
David Salter
Senior Consultant
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