Hi Florian,
Thank you for your answer. I normally have a 4-in-6-out MIDI interface in
the loop, but I have of course tried going directly from keyboard to MCV4. I
don't think I've ever even used the MIDI through connector on the MCV4 and
I'm certain I have never connected it to Keyboard MIDI in.
I normally use a Roland JP-8000 as a controller and I've also tried with an
MC-303 groovebox which I know has worked before. I have yet to try with a
D-70 that is collecting dust in a gig bag but I'm fairly sure what the
outcome will be.
I guess I'm mostly just voicing my frustration, perhaps mixed with a small
hope that this might be something really simple like a memory back up
battery running low or something.
On 10/30/07, Florian Anwander <
> wrote:
> Hello Silas,
> do you have really only a connection MIDI-KBD->MCV4 or is there
> something else involved in the MIDI wiring (Merger, Computerinterface,
> Some MIDI-Thru...) You should check first with nothing else but the
> KBD-Out to MCV4-In connection (and DO NOT connect MCV-MIDI-Out to
> Florian
> Silas Johansen wrote:
> > Hi gang,
> >
> > My MCV4 MIDI to CV converter has started to act weirdly. It seems it
> > only reacts to a few percent of the MIDI messages sent to it - e.g. if
> > I press the learn button I have to press a key on my keyboard several
> > time before the LED stops blinking, and after that I have to press a
> > key several times to get a note on to result in a gate - which doesn't
> > turn off again when the key is released. I've tested the keyboard with
> > other MIDI gear and it works just fine, tried changing the MIDI cable
> > and tried using other controllers to send Note on/offs to the MCV4,
> > and every test I've made points to the MCV4 as the culprit.
> >
> > I have of course tried to disconnect and reconnect power several times
> > and that didn't solve the problem. I'm wondering if there's a chance
> > this can be fixed (and if it's worth it compared to buying a new one)
> > or if I should just order a new MIDI to CV converter (thinking of
> > upgrading to the A-190 if that's the case, or maybe look into getting
> > something with more CV outs - why oh why was the MCV24 discontinued
> > :-/ ).
> >
> > I'm obviously keen on getting this problem solved very soon - my synth
> > would still be very usable lacking one VCO, filter or what have you,
> > but with no control by keyboard nor cubase I'm pretty limited...
> >
> > Regards,
> > Silas
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Florian Anwander |ConSol
> Tel. +49(89)45841-133 |Consulting&Solutions Software GmbH
> Fax +49(89)45841-111 |Franziskanerstr. 38, D-81669 München
> email:
<florian.anwander%40consol.de> |
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]