Hi list !
I'm working on a robot looking funny cabinet for my A100 stuff and I
wish to insert lights that would be controlled by CV so that the
robots glitters as the sound evolves (same CV must be able to control
lights and modules). I'm not a pro in electronics and need some advices.
These are the lights I plan to use (at least two of them, with
different colors):
http://www.selectronic.fr/article.asp article_ref_entier=80.2400-2
So arrays of 27 LEDs running on 12VDC average power 3.3W.
I thought about using directly the splitted CV to feed the LEDs but I
don't know if this may cause some issues with the A100 power supply
and with the other part of splitted (passively) CV signal.
I guess it is more appropriated to use a device that would control
(with incoming CV) another 12VDC PSU that feeds the lights. I thought
about a simple op amp follower but I don't know if that's enough.
So if you got any idea about the electronics I should use and if you
have already dealt with CV lights please share your experience.
I'll post some photos and videos when the monster's ready !