dear santa,
i know you're snowed under with wish lists, but here's my two cents'
worth of mustard all the same.
aux send module: one input, four outputs with attenuaters i.e. the
opposite of the a138 that it would closely resemble. i miss such a
module more often than i eat.
a five way inline attenuater would do it too if put behind a multiple.
that may prove to be a more flexible solution.
a software-modified version of the a190 midi/cv interface: i'd like to
use outputs cv1 and cv2 to send cv and gate signals from a second midi
channel. since this module would be in addition to the a190 i already
have, it would also be handy to use the clock/reset outputs as a third
cv/gate source. i would glady sacrifice the lfo, glide and
not-yet-available-arpeggiator features if necessary, and having all
three midi channels with the same bend width (for example) would also
be bearable (i'm thinking here of the programming from the front panel).
simple preamp: a mini jack input, a 6mm jack input, a gain knob and an
output, so a stripped down a119 or 138d in principle. i put so many
audio sources thru my setup, but i don't need half a dozen envelope
lfo without range switch: so i can move from slow to fast in one sweep.
slimmer panels: there are so many 8TE modules that would fit onto 6.
i'm sure i'm not the only suitcase-version-jockey that would welcome
the extra spare space. (personally i'd have no problem with 3,5 and
7TE panels too, but we'll save that for next year).
that said, my compliments on all of the goodies that are already in
the sack :)