I want to show you an interesting new effect by Jürgen Haible, who
re-designed a string ensemble chorus circuit (styled after Solina) in
combination with a 3-band-equalizer (to find in a Crumar Performer).
All circuit items seems to be avaible at electronic stores, also the
BBD chips. Unfortunately Jürgen Haible does not sell but want to show
how to make this effect by one's himself (some kinda DIY project...).
Have a look at:
My suggestion was to put this tiny little thing into a new A-100
module to get a string ensemble effect module... yeah, that would be
great! But: there must be one man to put the electronic parts
together... I by myself can't... I have to left hands...
Greetings and have a look onto it! Thanx!
Robert "dr_boehm_lebt" Sigmuntowski!