Hi Simon,
The A-190 will output two control voltages, one for note value and one
assignable to any MIDI controller. It will also output a gate as well as
MIDI clock as triggers. If you plan to control several modules independently
using several MIDI controllers I suggest looking for an A-191 on eBay and
this list - they're out of production but it looks to me like it's the
module you're looking for and they show up used every now and then. Please
note that the A-191 doesn't generate a MIDI note CV, though.
You don't list any oscillators below, so I assume you plan on using the
system to process audio from an external source. The A-119 is made
specifically for this purpose, although it can also be used for other
things, like boosting a signal within the system. I don't know what the
input/output of 'foogers are, but if they're not in the 10V p-p range you
might want to get a couple of A-138d's also to allow for patching back and
forth between A-100 and 'foogers.
As for the other modules you've selected, it all comes down to what you want
to do and how you want to do it. An envelope generator and an LFO would
probably come in handy, though.
Your name sounds Danish - if you're in the Copenhagen area and want to have
a look at an A-100 system drop me a line off-list and we'll get together.
Also, if you would explain in more detail what it is you want to do it would
be easier to help you with module suggestions.
Anyway, have fun with your modular.
On Nov 25, 2007 3:32 PM, Simon Christensen <
> Hi
> I'm about to expand my Moogerfooger set-up, with some of Doepfer's
> modules.
> I have the following Moogerfoogers: Ring Modulator, Analog Delay, Freq Box
> and
> the 251 Control Processor.
> The A-190, A-180, A-150, A-118, A-136, A-106 and the A-100G3 19" frame
> should
> expand my set-up and enable me to control the modules (and Moogerfoogers)
> via Max/Msp.
> I'm not that familiar with analoge systems, so please guide me and tell me
> if
> i'm missing something
> For instance can I control more than one midi channnel or do I need more
> than
> one A-190
> Thanks
> Simon
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