many thanks, dieter. so this is how a pitch to cv converter works
fortunately i have both modules here, so i can report that it was very
successful, although i have yet to do the fine tuning necessary for a
linear relationship between the tempos - but then the non-linearities
are wicked too, as so often with all this modular stuff :)
and any patch with a ripple parameter must be good!
thanks again,
--- In
, <hardware@...> wrote:
> > hi group,
> >
> > i'm looking to controlling the delay time of an a188 bbd according
> > the tempo of the piece being played (which is not set by the a100
> > itself). is there a way to convert, say, pulses from the a190 clock
> > output to a cv a kind of very lf to cv converter, i supppose is
> > i mean.
> >
> > or, come to that, can someone suggest a better/different approach
> >
> > cheers,
> >
> > stu
> From the theory a low pass filtered pulse with constant pulse width
> do that job, e.g. an A-162 trigger delay (delay time = minimum, lenght
= )
> followed by an A-170 slew limiter should work. You will have to try
the gate
> length and slew limiter setting to obtain the desired CV. The A-162
> should be a bit shorter than the shortest period of the clock signal
> (tempo). The slew limiter setting defines the ripple of the CV.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer
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