> since they don't require any power and to save space on my portable
> case I am thinking of figuring out a way to attach a few multiples to
> the top non rack area of the front, so that I don't have to move them,
> anyone has done this/has ideas about best way to do it
> on my home system I have a big patchbay taht i configure as various
> multiples, but looking for a good solution for the portable to save
> cabinet space without havign to carry around another piece of
> equipment(patch bay)...
> Carlos
We are about to modify the A-100 suitcases so that the width of the wooden
bars at the top and bottom becomes exactly 4 HP. We plan to equip the
suitcases with one or two 4 HP blind panels on the bottom. These can be
replaced by 4 HP modules, e.g. A-180 Multiples. But even other 4 HP modules
will work if the bus cable is long enough. I have been asking our case
manufacturer to built a prototype of the case but they are very busy at the
moment and I'm not sure if we will obtain the sample case still this year.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer