Hi, I know you don't like to discuss the same topic over and over
again but I couldn't find any comment on what's of interst to me:
There's the A-135 VC Mixer made up by 4 linear VCAs and which is
designed according to Doepfer to deal with audio signals. BUT
shouldn't they be EXPOTENTIAL VCAs Does it make sense to route 4
audio signals through linear VCAs or should I rather go for 2
logarhythmic A-131 VCAs having 4 audio inputs but can controll them
only with two CVs (two per A-131 adding up for one) and realizing
the desired single output on my hifi
The PAIA homepage was adding to my confusion: "Many artists prefer
linear dynamic response when building percussion sounds because they
have much more "punch" than the technically correct exponential
response." (By the way has one of you experience with the PAIA
modules )
If the answer wether log or lin depends on the sounds routed through
the VCAs: I intend to use a wide range from percussion to voice or
even bits of a record coming from a loop sampler in the future.
Please, let me know what you think.
On the subject of VCA. I can't share the disliking of the A-132. It
doesn't react on the A-140 like the A-130 but however dispite of
it's rather strange behaviour it's a usefull tool to add more
controll over CV.
Finally: The A-197 sounds great. For me not using a keyboard it
seems to be a great controll device. You should get a N64 easily 2nd
hand in the future even if it's production gets closed down since
the kids are stepping ahead to the latest gear. Mind you but it's
not top on my list for reasons of money since there so many modules
I see more need for at this time.