I don't mean to stir up a flamewar about the Schaltwerk again, but
here is part of a letter I have sent to Doepfer about the Schaltwerk
It was stated that in order to upgrade the Schaltwerk, a totally new
processor board would be necessary... I have a different thought
about that. Why can't some features be removed to make room for more
essential ones I am sure that some of the less useful functions
could actually be REMOVED!
Additionally, since it seems that if there will be no further
development of the current Schaltwerk operating system because of the
processor/memory issues, then make the source code of the current OS
available for download!!! This would enable any Schaltwerk owners
who have the ability and the desire to actually make the Schaltwerk
work for them!
Because the operating system is specific to the Schaltwerk, and you
need an EPROM burner and a development environment to actually work
on the OS, there is no danger of casual users damaging their
Schaltwerk by creating an usuable ROM. This seems like a win-win
solution for everyone. The OS would be worked on (for free) by
users, and the Schaltwerk may become more popular, driving more sales
for Doepfer. Existing users can possibly get the features they need,
and a more efficient operating system can be developed by a large
group of dedicated programmers (no offense to Christian!)
Please seriously consider these suggestions. I truly am a dedicated
Schaltwerk user, but I want to see it become the success it deserves.
I have also reposted my properly translated English Schaltwerk
manual, it is much easier to read, and I formatted it as closely as
possible to the original manual. It is in Microsoft Word format.
The manual is here:
John K. aka ripe
> > Not at this time. As you know there are a lot of new
> > devices in the development waiting loop that have to
> > be finished. We think about a new basic board for
> > Regelwerk/Schaltwerk that will have a completely new
> > 16/32 bit microprocessor with more power and more
> > memory. But this will take a lot of time