> So the webpage for the A-143-9 states that is does not have exact
> 1v/octave tracking. Does this mean it tracks like a linear vco or
> that its an exponential vco but not exactly 1 v/oct. when its
> sent a 1v/oct cv can the attenuator dial in any range of 1 v/oct tracking
> So my main questions is: can the 143-9 get any range of 1 v/oct
> tracking And if so, how large is the range
> Thanks.
The control scale is exponentially and the A-143-9 should track for about
2-3 octaves when the CV1 input (or CV2 with suitable setting of the
attenuator) is used. But the A-143-9 has no temperature compensated
exponential current source like the VCO.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer