Dear Gabu,
Yesterday, I could play 4 octave in a 50 cm space around the antenna.
But playing the higher notes without getting out of tune was almost
I practice a lot playing Beach Boys "Good Vibrations" and it requires
2 octave.
A110 CV1 input is 1V/octave. Right
So I believe CV2 input can range from 0 to 1V/octave. Volt/Octave
ratio doesn't change unless you turn the CV2 knob.
PS : Ã
a grouille de franÃ
ais ce forum !
--- In
, "gabu_004" <gabu_004@...> wrote:
> Les gars, les gars!
> It can't be linear! Just as the guitar string or the equal tempered
keyboard aren't either...
> Just imagine how far you would need to run back and forth from your
system to play 2-3
> octaves! ;P
> j'espère que Ã
a vous aide un peu!
> Ã +
> g.
> --- In
, "Chris Henkel" <henkel.chris@>
> >
> > Hi Pierre,
> >
> > I play an Etherwave Pro Theremin from Moog (which is supposedly the
> > 'perfect' Theremin) and I also tried to use the A-178 (I removed
them only
> > recently from my Doepfer-Rack - if someone is interested in them,
please let
> > me know what they would be worth for you to buy) modules; on both
you have
> > the effect that an octave is not exactely linear -
> >
> > so, in short: the problem you describe is much more prominent with the
> > Doepfer modules but present in other Theremins also...
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > chris
> >
> > 2008/1/5, pfichoux <pfichoux@>:
> > (example : 5"=12,5 cm an octave).
> >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >