Thanks for the response!
It's not that steps are dropping out because of a note range issue. I'm getting all the notes
I play. It's that the rhythmic timing of the stream of notes (16th notes for instance)
glitches at random moments. In other words, the timing is not solid.
Thanks again,
Adam G
--- In
, verstaerker <verstaerker@...> wrote:
> i encountered that the my a-190 is only accepting notes not lower than
> C3 (if i remember right) for trigger - this can be adjusted in the
> config (see manual)
> > Hello All,
> > I am attempting to play the A-100 with the Ableton Live 7 arpeggiator. It works
> > that at random points, there is a "hiccup" in the rhythmic flow.
> > I tested the arp with sofsynths and had no problems.
> > I have played with the A-140 to see if it effects the timing.
> > I have sent the gate from the 190 straight to the vca.
> > I have played with the buffer settings in Live. My MOTU 828 mkII is synced to an
> > Big Ben so one would think audio is rock solid. (PPC Mac DP 2.0G, OSX 10.4.11)
> > Am I missing something
> > Nothing useful from the Ableton forums yet. I know this isn't a DAW forum but....
> > Any ideas, fixes, etc. would be most appreciated.
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Adam G
> >