Hi Adam
> I'm trying to find a way to filter MIDI data in Live but so far, nothing.
No ther is no (but the Sync setting in the preferences)
> I created a template in the Novation with no Aftertouch hoping that would help but it
> didn't.
> I'm starting to think a more robust MIDI to CV might be in order (Sorry Dieter ;-))
I don't think it is the interface. It is MIDI (internal softsynths are
controlled by very faster APIs). Try to connect only the a190 to this
MIDI-port (not channel! Port!). And then check your arpeggio.
It is also well known, that the MIDI timing of ableton is not the best
until Version 6.x. Its told that the new Version7 is much better in MIDI
timing than the older ones.