> I got the A-164-1 Manual Gate together with some other of the new (and
> useful) utility modules. I noticed, that the jumper pins of A-164-1
> stick out to the space belonging to the next module (on the right side
> of A-164-1). Because of this there are some restrictions in module
> placement. This may not be the case with Doepfer modules, as for
> example A-164-1 + A-113 was ok despite first looking dubious). Also,
> the A-164-1 can't be placed to the rightmost position in a Doepfer
> cabinet.
> I have had the same issue with two Analogue Systems RS230:s and was a
> bit frustrated to face it again. On the other hand, if the option would
> be to have a 8HP module, this is obviously better.
> To avoid compromising module placement I could propably simply cut the
> jumpers, since I don't need them right now.
> Best regards
> Jari Jokinen
We tried the A-164-1 with several modules. You are right: we overlooked the
A-113. I have tried the A-164-1/A-113 combination: if there is a bit more
than 6 HP left from the A-133 (only during installation of the module) the
A-164-1 can be mounted next to the A-113 without problems. The jumper of the
A-164-1 is located at a position where there are no parts or pc board of the
A-113. But one has to feed in the A-164-1 from the left.
For the next A-164-1 production series we will change the position of the
jumpers to the solder side of the pc board and use straight post pin headers
soldered at the bottom of the pcb.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer