I think Schneiders Buero (representing several small modular and not
so modular manufacturers) will be around somewhere in Frankfurt with a
kind of Superbooth during the time of Messe.
--- In
, verstaerker <verstaerker@...> wrote:
> i doubt that doepfer will be there - because Schneidersbuero is not
> Hi all,
> With NAMM finished and the realisation that the Sounds Expo in London is
> not going to happen, this year I have decided to attend Messe on the
> Friday.
> Problem is that the Messe website is very poor and I can't figure out
> who (in modular terms) will be there.
> Anyone have any ideas
> Thank you
> David
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> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> verstaerker
> mailto:verstaerker@...