The maker was Voxglitch and it used a DSP chip. I didn't get this module
but did but the other two he produced which were pattern generators
David Salter
Senior Consultant
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On Behalf Of whyterabbyt
Sent: 24 January 2008 09:31
Subject: 1 can anyone identify this eurorack module
im trying to remember the name of a specific eurorack module. i saw
one on ebay about 3 months ago, bid, and lost, and now ive completely
forgotten what it was called, nor can i remember the maker.
it was basically a digital effects processor in eurorack format, and i
think was a small-run expanded from the guy's own DIY design, now
discontinued. he had one other eurorack module AFAIR. the effects
processor was based on an all-in-one DSP chip, maybe based on its
valuation board. Might have been 16 fixed algorithms, but with that
its possible im getting confused with something else.
any clues
many thanks folks.
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