Thanks Tim, sorry for the delay in responding.
> Hi David,
> > I've got this A-111 I got used via AH some months ago. it works
> > according to what I'd expect except that the range switch has an
> > anomaly. Set all the way counterclockwise, it puts out at LFO
> > frequencies, but for the top two positions it reverts back to LFO.
> It
> > has ten positions also, not eight.
> That sounds normal: only 8 of the ten 10 positions are used, and
> because of the type of switch used (it is a 'binary coded decimal'
> one), when you turn it past position 8, it 'wraps around' giving the
> lower two settings again for 9 and 10.
> At the high end, nothing above
> > maybe 8000 cps is available. And in the low end, it doesn't go all
> > the way down to less than 1 cps like other oscillators, but maybe to
> > five or six cps only.
> In normal adjustment, the '-3' setting should give approx 8Hz with 0V
> CV in, and the '4' position will then be 1046Hz, at 0V in. At '4', if
> you input 5V, it should be good for 33kHz or so, and maybe more for
> more volts in. If you are not getting this, then the irst step
> would be
> to try and re-calibrate the module, which most likely you will need to
> ask Dieter for!
> Tim
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