Hi Florian,
I concede the point. I was fortunate to have use of a VCS3 for a year so
I understand what you mean as they got quite awkward if there were
several next to each other..
Whatever configuration is finally adopted will be good for me and I
agree that it would be preferable to have a 7x7 or 8X7 matrix to keep
the workflow more sensible.
Best wishes
David Salter
Senior Consultant
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On Behalf Of Florian Anwander
Sent: 04 February 2008 16:16
Subject: Re: AW: 1 patch matrix
Hi David,
> The second version looks good - if a little odd, but I feel that it
> could make pulling the plugs out difficult if they are too close.
I own a Ghielmetti matrix (same as in the EMS), and even there it is not
easy to set or pull the plugs. If you have a look at broadcast stations
you will find, that they have wide matrices which have only two rows per
inch. Same for the EMS Synthi 100
> ). It
is a question of space and costs.
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