I don't know Logic Studio but what I hear you saying seems to be that
you want your modular to trigger events in Logic. I think the
problem lies with the A-192. The A-192 is only for control voltages
to Midi CC values. There's no way to use that module to convert
Incoming CV into Midi Note-On events unless you create some kind of
CC value to Midi Gate conversion in Logic.
You can still use it to change values of parameters of Plug-ins and
such. If you have Logic set up that you can use a Midi Keyboard to
play a softsynth, you can configure the synth to accept the CC values
the A-192 outputs.
Doepfer is working on a new module that will handle that but the only
other module in Eurorack made for that is the Analogue Systems RS-
300: A CV to Midi module that takes in Triggers as well and plays
midi synths with the modular. My fav module in da world!
--- In
, "MICHAEL" <chidraven@...> wrote:
> Has anybody succesfully "learnt" the midi parameters for cv to midi
> out into logic studio 8 Or assigned cv-midi inputs in and out to
> midi
> Currently when i import the midi on any channel it "pings" the
> computer environment (mac osx10.5)...
> Trying to sync the midi triggers to trigger plug-ins / or ext
> (eg drum machine) key notes vel release ... anything...
> So far no luck, will be reading manuals again tonight..
> Im knew to cv - midi routing :)
> ....Cowering Don't judge me!! :)
> help
> Chidraven