> Hi list,
> Does anybody here have experience with the DIY kit #1 PSU I'm
> considering to get rid of my G6 and G3 cases, both with the old
> A-100NT12, and I'm wondering whether it would be worth the extra money
> and hassle using the PSU2 in my DIY case, or if I could just as well
> use the DIY Kit. I'm especially concerned about PSU stability and
> voltage accuracy (e.g. do I get exactly +/-12V from the DIY-kit PSU,
> even when putting load on it).
> Probably just me being over-cautious, but better safe than sorry.
> /Silas
The "voltage quality" of the PSU used in the DIY kit #1 is exactly the same
as in the PSU2. The circuits are exactly the same with one small difference:
The PSU2 has the transformer mounted on the pc board. The PSU of DIY kit#1
uses an external transformer. Even the position of the four mounting screws
is the same for both supplies. So you will not have to drill additional
mounting holes. The only disadvantage (or advantage ) is that you have an
additional external box with the transformer.
By contrast the voltage quality of DIY kit#2 is not as good as the PSU2 as
the two voltages (+12V, -12V) are delivered by two stabilized wall outlet
supplies. Such types of supplies have normally not such an excellent
regulation as the PSU2. This is why we recommend the DIY kit#2 only for "not
critical" applications. The DIY kit#2 is good for controlling modules or
audio processing systems with lower requirements but not for high quality
systems, mainly with VCOs (as a good VCO stability requires a stable supply
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer