> OK .geddit... will try tonight, but thru weird experimentation i
> discovered that by using a trigger on the glide (not gate) you CAN
> control the glide, however its the oposite to what you wpould expect,
> IE: A selected trigger going to the glide socket actually CANCELS a
> glide for that beat... not activates it!!!
> mark
Please look at the A-155 user's manual on page 8:
Glide Ctrl. :
The glide function is active whenever
the control signal input here is low.
H: If nothings connected to the
socket, glide function is active!
S&H Ctrl. :
This is the socket for the digital
Sample & Hold control input.
Whenever a "high" control signal is
sensed, the analog CV output is held
at the same level until the control signal
goes low. Usually one of the trigger
rows would be patched in to this