to me it looks like you can do this with 147 pretty well.
the only thing your lfo needs for this is retrigger / reset
i would patch the note on / trigger signal to the reset in
and then manualy adjust the frequency at a given cv setting.
when you have 8th waving on nicely you can try to double the cv input
(by pressing a note thats one octave higher) and you should have 16th lfo.
are there any sketches about the new multi synced lfo yet
sounds very interesting to me.
> > Hi group...
> >
> > Hope this isn't too stupid a question. I like creating basslines with
> > tight clocked LFO's modulating the filter at different rhythmic
> > divisions. So 1/4 note, 1/8 note, 16th note and triplets... so as I
> > can jump between different locked LFO rates and apply them to the
> > filter as I see fit. Is there a way to create multiple rhythmic
> > divisions of an LFO.
> >
> > cheers
> >
> > Ken
> This will be possible with the planned A-143-4 Multiple Synced VC LFO. But
> we have no release date so far. The prototype is too slow and we have to
> make a redesign with a faster microcontroller.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer
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