I'm in favour of CV controlled digital modules.
I expressed an interest in granular a while ago however the problem that
Dieter and the team will have is the amount of processing power and
memory needed to do this in real time, especially if you want smooth
transitions between very small grains.
But if it can be done
David Salter
Senior Consultant
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On Behalf Of gasp_uleg
Sent: 12 February 2008 12:07
Subject: 1 new modules proposals to DOEPFER
hi there
Here are few ideas for modules of which i've dreamed since many years
now and which i hoped i would to see apearing during the first decade
of the 21th century but as for 2008 no one has yet done any of them...
i've just added some polls for you to vote about 4 digital modules, 1
strange module and 2 utility modules:
VC GRAIN PROCESSOR with vc delaytime, vc feedback, vc pitch, vc
grainsize, vc grain direction, vc grain laptime, vc grain atack, vc
grain release
VC GRAIN GENERATOR with vc sampselect, vc startpoint, vc loop point,
vc pitch, vc grainsize, vc grain direction, vc grain lap, vc grain
atack, vc grain release, vc position pointer
VC MULTI-SAMPLE RECORDER/LOOPER/DELAY like a digitech's "jam man" in
a module with large memory, MDcards, gateplay, trigreset, vc
sampselect, vc pitch, reversible vc startloop & stoploop points
VC DIGITAL MULTI EFFECTS PROCESSOR with several CV inputs to control
parameters of a DSP and some memory for reverbs, delays, resonators,
amp simulators, dynamics...
selector, vc freq finetune, and vc q factor (like in the old lamp
SENSOR TO CV VOLTAGE ADAPTOR with voltage gain, offset , range, and
linearity controls, lag process and noise filter to adapt any kind of
sensor to normalized CV
SENSOR TO GATE/TRIG ADAPTOR with voltage gain, low headroom, high
headroom controls and selector for trig or gate modes to use any kind
of sensor to normalized GATE/TRIG
let me know what you think about these ideas
gaspar uleg
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