Hi Evan
> PS. Does it include any details on the construction of synthesiser modules
> and-or standards for building modules.
No. It is a guide "only" for using modular synths. But it is the best
one you could think of (this I am saying, who wrote a german book about
the same theme).
If you are interested in the electronic function and construction of
modules, then you should have a look for the original Formant book (the
"formant 2000" book may also be ok - I did not read it - but I have
heard it has some errors).
There are also Berny Hutchins "electro notes", a xerox copied collection
of articles and schemoes, started in the early seventies. It is still
completely available from Bernie. Ask at the synth-diy maillist of Rick
-> subscribe synth-diy)
And last but not least Doepfer sells the servicemanual of the A-100.
Florian Anwander |ConSol* HP-Support
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