Hi Ross
> why didn't you just say that to begin with i'm not trying to make an issue, but my phaser is also noisey as the original poster said...if you would have simply wrote "mine is as well, they all are, this is how i deal with it" i would have never responded to your post, i deal with it as well...
> but i still would like to know if there is an adjustment to be made that will help with the noise...
Phasers like the A-126 (but most other analogue ones too) are
constructed as a row of six allpass filter stages in series, with a
frequency control by an FET. In total you have 9 opamp stages in the
signal chain. Each opamp stage adds its noise. This is no fault of de
Doepfer design, but a basic problem of this effect.
I don't have the A-101-3. There also six filter stages are used, but the
frequency control is done by an photoresistor instead of the FET. Maybe
someone who owns both could compare the A126 to the A101-3 regarding its