Actually I was thinking of the MKS-50.
The Alpha Juno rack. Good catch, because the MKS-30 is def. NOT what this guy is seeking!
> To:
> From:
> Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 22:25:10 +0100
> Subject: Re: 1 3 questions
> Hi Anthony
> > If you just want typical polyphonic synth sounds (juno/ jupiter) I think an easier/ cheaper way to get this would be to use an inexpensive poly such as the MKS-20 or the Korg Poly 800 for the polyphonic sound source and then process the sound with the doepfer system.
> Right answer, but wrong technical name: MKS-20 is Rolands piano-expander
> from that time, MKS-30 (vulgo JX3P) is assumingly what you thought about.
> Btw: used market prices of the MKS-30 are awfully expensive at the
> moment (350 Euros and more!). Poly800 is ok as polyphonc oscillator source.
> Florian
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