Hi all,
I have a small Doepfer system consisting of the following modules:
A-116 Waveform Processor
A-119 Ext Input/Env Follower
A-124 Wasp Filter
A-132-1 Dual linear VCA
A-143-3 Quad LFO
A-172 Max-Min Selector
I use these modules to process instruments as well as for sound design
(using the LFOs as oscillators). I have been planning to expand this
system to process acoustic instruments during live performance, and I
consider the following modules:
A-106 Xtreme Filter
A-110 VCO
A-114 Ring Mod
A-118 Noise/Random
A-125 Phaser
A-127 VC Triple Res. Filter
A-175 Dual Inverter
A-188-1 BBD (1024)
A-196 PLL
Since I am after a small, portable system - I have my current modules
in a self-constructed wooden box (50 HP) - I will not buy all these
I am absolutely sure about getting the A-114 and the A-175 (this one
to use primarily with A-132-1)
From what I have been reading in the list and the doepfer site, I see
A-196 and A-106 to be good additions to a processing system. Please
feel free to offer any replacements for A-106, one of which may be the
A-127. It is too big for my purposes but looks interesting.
I am quite confused about the BBD. Can you go really radical with this
module, other than voltage controlled flangers or delays What can it
do to a bass clarinet plugged into it
I plan to get the VCO as a modulateable sound source to feed other
modules (ring modulator, PLL)
The modules I'm really not sure about are the A-125 and A-118. Yeah, a
VC phaser would be nice but it would only be a phaser at the end of
the day and that's boring for my purposes.
What do you make out of all this I want a small box 50-60 HP wide and
modules that can run on the small power supply (MNT-100 I think is its
code). Do you use Doepfer modules to process acoustic signals Which
modules Any modules to vary control voltages drastically Let's
assume I have 600 Euros for this max.