Hello Korhan
> Florian, can you please elaborate on the use of A160,161 or the A151. I am
> totally unfamiliar with these modules and cannot imagine how I could use
> them in my setup. An example that contains some of the modules mentioned
> here would be very useful.
Have alook at
Page 8 contains an example for the usage of A161 with A131 as a sequencer.
The A-151 would work similar, but to achieve the same effect you have to
feed a constant voltage into the common i/o of the module. You will get
more variations if this is not a constant voltage but a LFO or some
quasi random stuff (like LFOs in the audio range or VCOs).
> What would happen if an instrument, a clarinet or tenor sax, is fed directly
> into a PLL You can assume that the instrumentalists are virtuosos and can
> play whatever is required. I am looking for radical changes -
> I would prefer terrible pitch tracking to very good pitch tracking.
Then the A-196 is the right choice: terrible pitch tracking at its best.
> the frequency and hence want the A-110. Envelope out from A-119 would be a
> nice modulation source for the A-110, I guess.
That is right. Especially if you use the VCO-out as modulation source
for a high resonating VCF (can create some "talking" sounds).
> The S&H is the A-148.Slew limiters are 170 and 171. 170 has two, 171 has CV
> control. Which one should I get I'm usually a numbers guy and assume 2 is
> better than 1.
ok, AS does not have a S&H + Slewlimiter as combimodule. But others that
are interesting:
The A171 slewlimiter is definitely recommended over the A170, because of
its usability in connection with the PLL A-196 (too complicated to
explain now).