Very cool, Dieter !
Almost perfect.
Except for one thing: I designed a similar case (well, not really,
only on paper),
where there was also room for a built-in ribbon controller (and also
some other tactile surface or controller-thingy)...
As a non-keyboard player, I see such a contraption as a kind of
"control center", where all the joysticks, surfaces, buttons, etc... go.
This is very close, though...
> > Yes ! Exactly what I was waiting for.
> >
> > I was already designing a similar setup (controls on a slanted
> surface
> > in front of the other modules), but now I can spare myself the
> trouble,
> > sit back, and wait...
> >
> > Thanks, Dieter !
> The first pics of the monster base frame are now available (from the
> news
> page).
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer