yes, indeed.
i have been lost in this detailed discussion and you
guys (D&G) seem to really dig deep...
so, a granular proccesor/generator module would be
great. :-)
best regards,
--- David Salter <
> wrote:
> D&G,
> How about you guys getting together, producing a
> spec and building it so the rest of can enjoy the
> pleasures of granular synthesis in a modular :o)
> David Salter
> Senior Consultant
> Reuters Messaging:
> (t) +44 (0)20 7542 2402 | (m) 07990562402 | (f)
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> ________________________________
> From:
> [mailto:
] On Behalf Of
> Denis Gökdag
> Sent: 07 March 2008 14:11
> To:
> Subject: Re: 1 Re: granular processor &
> generato
> >
> > grains are not fixed samples, they are bits of
> samples put togheter or
> > more correctly: a long sample is smashed into
> smaller samples
> > (grains).
> >
> > grains parameters (position, pitch, lenght,
> density and dynamics)
> > should
> > be controllable independently from those of the
> main sample (loop
> > points,
> > pich/speed, direction...)
> well i do not see where this is any different from
> what i wrote,
> sorry if i made my points in a too involved or
> technical way; i've
> been thinking about making a grain module for quite
> a while but so
> far have been lacking the time and infrastructure to
> do, hence the
> dsp-nerd-style ;-)
> it i will use the term "source file" instead of
> "sample" from now
> on to make clearer what i am saying. there are two
> main differences
> between what you wrote and what i wrote:
> a) you introduce the idea of selecting between
> multiple "source
> files" *per voice*, while i was suggesting using one
> source file per
> voice. your approach would be more "intuitively
> shaping semi-random
> results", while mine would be more "constructivist".
> i do like the
> idea of selecting a source file per CV, but it could
> be done by
> switching/fading between the individual outputs of
> the voices with an
> a152 or 144/135 combo for example....lowering the
> strain on the DSP
> and giving more acces to what happens with every
> single grain.
> b) you're more into "meta attributes", like
> "density" and
> "dynamics" (which are not clearly defined, and could
> technically be
> interpreted as "average # of grains started per time
> unit"/"average
> amount of grains overlapping at any given time" and
> "amplitude
> envelope within a grain"/"time varying amplitude
> scaling of whole
> grains" we're basically talking about
> statistics and sequencer-
> like terms here), i'm more into "discrete control"
> and leaving as
> many functions outside the module as possible, again
> lowering the
> workload on the DSP and giving access to every
> single grain. call me
> a control freak but i much prefer to be able to
> process every single
> grain independently in my a100 and leave the
> random/statistic
> distribution stuff to other dedicated modules :-)
> I may be wrong, but i believe it is important to
> leave the processor
> load as low as possible if you want to both have
> realtime control of
> all parameters at audio rate (where it maakes sense)
> *and* a good
> audio quality. In the module i proposed, we're
> already lloking at the
> following operations per grain:
> - evaluate all A/D inputs and write their values to
> memory (to have
> the data needed for all following operations)
> - read from memory location in source file specified
> by input parameters
> - perform real-time interpolating sample rate
> conversion (for the
> transposition)
> - create from input parameters and read from two
> look-up tables for
> the fade curves
> - multiply sample values with that data for the
> fades
> - possibly crossfade into next grain (which means
> that all the above
> operations will have to be executed *before* the
> next grain arrives,
> which might be 1/samplerate seconds later only...AND
> for the
> following grain as well.)
> - write audio to D/A buffer, write data to control
> output buffers.
> I think this already is quite a lot of work for a
> DSP, especially if
> you take into account that the sample rate would
> probably have to be
> at least 88.2khz or higher to avoid aliasing when
> performing audio-
> rate FM on the grains, as the sidebands introduced
> will easily go
> above the nyquist frequency on most material. And
> you probably don't
> want such a module to have a latency of more than
> 10ms (and even that
> would be a lot for a module in an analog setup).
> >
> > - a cv lag processor for the position pointer
> would allow to smooth
> > the
> > transition of granulation travelling thru the long
> sample
> simply use a lag processor before the cv input. you
> don't want to
> switch position while a grain is playing, as that
> either introduces
> signal discontinuities aka clicks'npops, OR requires
> a lot of
> interpolation going on all the time.
> >
> > - a clock/trig input would control the density of
> grains
> >
> > - a gate input would trigger the playback of the
> grains
> these two exclude each other. you *either* have a
> statistical
> distribution aka "density" (which is more or less
> random,
> controllable from a fixed rate to noise sampled at a
> clock rate
> specified by "density") OR you trigger an individual
> grain at a
> specified point in time. the only way to mix these
> is to force a
> grain on grain trigger, overriding the automatic
> triggering set by
> the "density" parameter.....but you could simply
> switch between a
> controlled trigger source and digital noise (a117)
> before the trigger
> input.
> also no *gate" is required in the setting you
> describe, just a
> *trigger* (as the length of the grain is defined by
> its own parameter)
> >
> > - a cv input to control grains pitch
> >
> > - a cv input to control main sample's pitch
> These both affect the same parameter and thus one is
> redundant.
> >
> > - a cv input for atack time of the grains
> >
=== message truncated ===
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
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