Hi David,
Sounds to me like this could be the ideal job for a vactrol. You would
use the vactrol in place of the pot. Unfortunately I can't help with
any circuit details but I reckon there will be plenty of vactrol
circuits floating around the net.
--- In
, David Salter <david.salter@...>
> In my quest to get some more effects into my modular - this will mostly
> sit mid patch not just at the end - I was wondering if anyone can help
> me.
> I have been looking at the ACE 16V effects chip, supplied by Cliff in
> the UK. This is a simple device with 16 effect algorithms; 6 fixed
> reverbs and 10 effects covering reverb, delay, chorus and flange with a
> single variation adjusted by a pot. Ideally if I build this I would like
> the variation to be under CV control.
> The variation varies from effect to effect some acting in a linear
> fashion and some with 100 log steps so I appreciate that a CV would
> cause jumps on some of these functions but I'm willing to try it and see
> what it sounds like.
> However I'm not sure how to add the CV to it. any simple suggestions it
> would be nice to have a depth attenuator as well as a CV socket.
> many thanks
> David
> David Salter
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