I would like to thank all of you who have answered my questions on
processing of live instruments with Doepfer modules. I'd like to
expand on this with another question:
Has anyone here use modular systems in free improvisation To this
day, I have been using an Audiomulch + Kaosspad + Joystick setup for
performances, but would like to go for an analog setup. I know the
answers for sound processing modules. Now I'd like your opinion on
modules essential for instrument design. My prerequisites are:
- full control over the instrument
- the instrument needs to have several sub-sections that have separate
tasks (sound processing, sound generation). I'd like to have at least
two complex sub-sections
- the instrument should require no or minimum repatching on stage
I'd like you to focus on CV generation/modulation modules, but any
other suggestions are also welcome, of course.