>>Yeah its not done in Flash per se, rather another program called Swish
YIKES!! Not done in Flash!!! Ive never heard of Swish Max2, but.. um WOW!!!
Can you import what you have done INTO FLash! later , seems like you have
done a lot of work in the wrong app.
The most glaring omission with this as far as I can see, is not having the
ability to save. Now with your Swish thing, I dunno if you can get into the
code (and I already read that you dont know how to do it, but...) but you
are SOOO close to having a "killer app" here, I thought I would ask my
programmer how you should do it, to give you a nudge in the right direction.
Maybe you already know this, but just wanted to help!!
Step 1: You of course need a database. - but you dont need to enter all
modules details or anything into it really... yet. Your app should do that.
Step 2: There should be a SAVE LAYOUT button. Oh.. and you will need each
USER to login.
step 3: When USER logs in, it makes them a unique ID number.
Step 4: Each Module also needs to have a ID number
Step 5: When the SAVE button is pressed, you need to send a function to
Javascript (Flash cannot write direct to a database-but can do VIA
This Function need to have 4 parameters to be saved in the database. The
User ID, The Module ID, The X coordinate of the module and the Y coordinate.
Multiple modules simply generate multiple entries in the database. There is
no need for the database to know anything about the modules (like width) the
user and the app handle that manually when they drag the module and it snaps
to nearest space.
Now I realise that this is a simplistic view of things, and maybe you cant
do it in Swish Max, maybe you need to try to get it into REAL Flash (you
can rebuild your .swf into a flash file, there are apps for that... and I
know you said you cant afford flash... so I will say this only once, and
then hold my poisonous tongue... "torrents ") and I may have missed some
things... like you need to send delete info to the database too of course.
Anyway, I thought you might like to at least have a "concept" to research
Great work, isn't it worth the extra push
A few adverts around the edge, you might even make some money ha ha!!
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