Not sure what the PPQ on the technosaurus is, but on most Roland X0X stuff it is 24PPQ which cannot be achieved achieve with the 160. I was only able to achieve sync using a VCS as a variable divider and then syncing by ear. Perhaps I am doing something worng
> To:
> From:
> Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:08:02 +0100
> Subject: Re: 1 interfacing doepfer with dyn sync
> Hi Carlos
> > whats the easies way to use a doepfer lfo or vco or other pulse
> > producing device to time somethign that takes dyn sync in
> In principle very easy in fact very complicated.
> Take an LFO at higher speed, use it as clock for the din-sync, and
> divide it also down with an A160 to get 16th clock (or similar) for
> usage as internal clock in the A-100. In fact the problem are the start
> and stop signals for the sync and the synchronicity of the start signal
> with the 16th clock.
> I never use the internal clock of any instrument, but use a Masterclock
> from an external device (my case a Roland SBX80).
> Florian
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