yes, indeed.
the a151 will provide waveform switching not morphing.
if you want morphing then you have to get the a135
vc-mixer and a144 morphing controller.
--- vcovcfvca <
> wrote:
> Hello Rob,
> I've used the sequential switch to perform this
> function and it works
> well. However, be aware: it is a hard switching
> function from one input
> to the next as opposed to a "morph". To me a "morph"
> implies a more
> gradual change over time from one state to another.
> In the synth world
> this is often achieved (or simulated ) via a
> crossfading effect. You
> can do this by running your audio sources into a
> couple of vcas and the
> vcas into a mixer (then modulating the vcas eg: with
> envelopes that
> start and finish at different times). Or, you could
> use the
> panner/crossfader module (there's an existing one
> plus Doepfer have a
> dual xfader on the list of modules in development).
> Or, there is also
> the 4 channel voltage controlled mixer and morphing
> modules. These
> options would achieve effects closer to the Plan B
> "VC waveform" (which
> is actually a crossfade effect anyway).
> Regards,
> Adam
> --- In
, "rob_d_rob_d"
> <rob@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> > Thanks for the replies.
> > Seems like the A-151 is what I am looking for.
> > I liked the morph feature on the Plan B Model 15
> VCO but I am not so
> keen on the tuning
> > inconsistancies that exist on that unit.
> > A-151 seems to do everything I need plus it can be
> minimised to 2 or
> 3 I/O's in addition to
> > the default 4.
> > Thanks again and now back to the digi stuff,
> > Rob
> >
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
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