hi group,
anyone else think this makes sense an adsr module with built in
low-cost-vca, with the four adsr-pots plus volume - so the module set
to the medium range of the a140 - with sockets for gate, retrig, audio
in, audio out and env out.
possibly an internal jumper could be used to change the retrig input
to an inverse output, for those that would rather have that. or maybe
two audio inputs, given that this thing would be predestined to follow
the filter(s) stage.
i know the space saved isn't enormous, assuming we're replacing half
of an a132 dual vca, and the added volume control won't always be
important, but is this not a combination to be found in at least 95%
of patches
i'm putting together a rack full of drum synth, and over half of the
space used is for envelopes and vca's.
depressingly unspectacular idea, i know.