> Sorry for going off topic. I just got the HDB tube spring reverb to
> use with my A100. Unfortunately, it came with a 230V P/S and
> plug, and
> a note from Enport saying "Needs step up transformer from Radio
> Shack."
> I guess I can live with this, but will the electronics
> experts tell me
> if it will be okay, or will the transformer spray 60Hz all over my
> audio path or cause other nasty problems
Hi Joe,
Not knowing much about this area (and I certainly don't think I qualify as 'expert' in other areas anyway!), I discussed this with my office colleague (who has much wider experience than me), and we doubt you'll have a problem. From the low voltage DC point-of-view, the smoothing done by the PS is likely to be better at 60Hz than it is at 50Hz. Neither of us knows much about valves, but doubt there are any issues here, especially since Enport haven't made an issue of it, and also since (from HDB's website) HDB market it as 'professional', one must assume Enport know what they are doing! Our guess is that, if you get any mains hum, then it would probably be present if operating at 50Hz as well, rather than the fact that you are running it at 60. Not really sure if any of this helps or not!
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