The VC acts in different ways depending on what effect you have dialed up.
For example, CV affects reverb time for the reverbs, depth for the chorus,
delay time for the delay, speed switch for the rotary speaker...
The quickstart guide is online:
And yes, the delay is VC'd. Head here: goto=specs
Then click down there where it says "Voltage Control Effect List"
I also read MatthewD's ("stretta") review where he says that "13" of the
effects are VC'd. I'm not sure which he's referring to.
Nope, this is a custom coded DSP.
General babble...
There some sound samples up on Tiptop's forum: f=2
I know that a lot of folks will see this as a {insert cheap dsp box here}
stuffed into a ER format, and at some level that's what it is. But toss in
that VC param (and yes, it would be nice to have a dozen CV points!) and
things change a bit.
Also, it's valuable to take a step back from looking at this as "oh, reverb
in a ER format" and think past that. I've had a TON of fun pushing this
past the design limits - overloading the preamp or sending the DSP into a
tizzy. There are some samples of those results up on the Tiptop forum.
And having something like this _in an ER format_ is what makes it
accessible. And at this price point, it's kinda' hard to say "no". We've
all paid just more than this for a pair of filters - or even twice this for
ONE filter.
Really, it's NOT a reverb/delay/chorus in a ER panel... It's another
shaping _tool_.
It's also fun to do things like split a signal into a separate VCA then on
into the Z5000. Fire an EG from a random source and let it drive the VCA.
With the Z5000 setup for a reverb wash, you get a VERY cool random wash in
the midst of your patch. :)