Last try to get a trade for some of these:
Doepfer: A-156 quantizer, A145 LFO,
Banalogue: WVX Serge Waveshaper
Blacet: Improbability Drive (modded for audio signal processing and quantizer control), Micro LFO, Dual VCA
Boss Dr-110 (modded for VC of snr and cymbal timbre as well as DIN sync in/ out).
I am looking for the following: Doepfer A196 PLL, A166 Logic, A117 Digi Noise, A188 BBD.
Also interested in Harvestman stuff, Plan B Model 28 and possibly others that I have not thought of yet!
In a rush Get real-time answers with Windows Live Messenger. ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_Refresh_realtime_042008
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